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Topic: Most of Ladies (98%) like richmen . . . . . . . . . . . .only a few (2%) believe in love
on 2009-02-06 01:37:43
Most of Girls & Ladies Like Richmen.
My heart has been broken by 6 girls, all of that girl follow respective guys who are more rich than me.
So I think mostly are like Richmen.


P.S If a guy reject, I'll test your girlfriend.
If a girl reject, I'll test you.
Bye wrote:
on 2009-02-12 17:18:05
om...i think u r absolutely wrong...
it's just ur opinion...and ur view...but it shouldn't be the thing that will hurt and harm the other side...
u should buy some balance glasses... huh...
men and guys also love money...
i have an experiences... just my ex-bf...who go with the girl who is richer .... the girl who could buy and do everything for him....
it's really really just from ur view..and u can't prove it...
u might need an exact information from exact fact from what u wanna say... not just talk and stand on ur view like that...

dsghfdsa wrote:
on 2009-03-19 20:42:33
yes, u wrong ........ actually most of ladies give favour about love not about money ............u know ! U Wrong
myo zaw wrote:
on 2009-04-05 19:29:12

I think that you need more experience. Try it again by simple, pure & kindly.
ah hui wrote:
on 2009-08-29 01:39:37
Sorry for interrupting you guys topic. Ladies here, i think these are only your opinion also. Lady more like to make up, tidy up themselves, and so on. All of these needs money. So if a rich man chasing them, surely the richer man has the higher chances to win the others. This 1 i 100% sure.
on 2011-07-27 02:59:14
not at all women are like that.. dont treat that most women are depending on money only... ok lar???
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