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Topic: i don't believe real love.
mon san wrote:
on 2008-12-28 16:25:58
love is not is only our imagination.Even carpels who always say that they love each other with their whole lives can break down for just a small reason.And so how can be love real?it is a fake.very very bad fake.Though you say you love someone with undying and unbreakable heart,you will forget him or her one day.Thus i can't believe is a FAKE.How do you think tht?
december wrote:
on 2008-12-28 21:08:11
hi,dear mon san

i think ur topic is 50% true n 30% correct.
the other 20% is wrong.100% certainly can't say every things.every things have exception.
friend,through ur life happly with coming new year.
mon san wrote:
on 2008-12-31 18:19:41
your attitude may be right or wrong. i don't care but i believe that love is a lying. and i am not annoying with people who believe love. everyone has its own idea and thought. and thanks for your reply
heavenstar wrote:
on 2009-02-11 23:01:55
i totally agree with u..
there is no love in the world...but i also like to be loved~
Bye wrote:
on 2009-02-12 17:20:09
I think, there is still true love in the world....but it's just difficult to meet it...

it's easy to find the one who we really love but not the one who really love u....

Believe in love but not trust in it...

myo zaw wrote:
on 2009-04-05 19:41:57

Why did you think about only girls? Why don't you think about friends, brother & parents.
ah hui wrote:
on 2009-08-12 19:03:18
My opinion is true love still can be found. But that is very hard for us to meet the 1 that is really suitable for us. Think about friends? Brother? Parents? You must know that 1 day your friends, your brothers or your parent will have their own life and leave you. Although you still can find them or meet them, but i don't think that is good for you to disturb their life. Of course you can meet the friends that stay without partner, that is what you want and what you choose. Do you want to stay single forever without own family?
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