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Topic: be careful of cheating job agencies
on 2008-08-23 05:05:25
there are some news spreading around myanmar community in singapore that some job agencies are cheating the job seekers from myanmar.

you can read more about it here:

it's really bad that they want to take advantage of those who are desperately looking for jobs.
thandar wrote:
on 2008-08-26 17:58:28
Oh That's bad


there are some news spreading around myanmar community in singapore that some job agencies are cheating the job seekers from myanmar.

you can read more about it here:

it's really bad that they want to take advantage of those who are desperately looking for jobs.

heavenstar wrote:
on 2008-08-28 04:21:59
I also heard about it from my friend.Agent and boss cheat's the worst case!
Bye wrote:
on 2008-09-16 10:08:24
Every businessmen might do it for their own business, but the problem is the economic roots in our own country...
If our own country develop, we won't have to go to other neighboring countries for work and we won't have to face that kind of cheating...

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